What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag

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Wouldn’t it be great if labor had an easy button? After your water broke, you’d calmly get into the car as your partner grabbed your bags and tranquilly drove you to the hospital. You’d be breathing deeply and feeling ready for the day ahead. Somehow the paper gown you’re issued and fluorescent hospital lighting would be very flattering for your complexion, and after just a few short hours, your baby would arrive. Cue a wistful sigh.

Along with labor comes a lot of uncertainty, especially if it’s your first time, but there are plenty of things you can do to prepare in advance. One of the best ways to put your mind at ease is by packing your hospital bag ahead of time. That way, when your water does break, you can just focus on the deep breathing part and know that you’ve already prepared all the items you’ll need for a comfortable hospital stay. 

We’d recommend packing your bag about a month in advance just in case your baby decides to meet you a little bit early. Although we can’t supply you with an easy button to streamline your delivery process, we did come up with a hospital checklist. Here’s a little guide on how to pack your hospital bag, the Livly way.

Comfort and Entertainment

Important Documents - First things first, make sure you’ve got a copy of all of your important documents, such as your ID, health insurance papers, hospital registration forms and your birth plan if you have one. You wouldn’t want to get held up because of paperwork so if nothing else make sure these are packed before you head out the door.

Cash - just in case you or your partner needs to buy something from the cafeteria or vending machine.

Cellphone and charger - naturally, you’ll want to have access to the world at some point and communicate with loved ones. Be sure to bring a charger to keep your phone juiced up.

Camera - if you’d like to get a photo or two on a device other than your smartphone, you’ll want to pack a camera to use. Some new parents bring a memento book to jot down details after their newborn enters the world as well.

Comfort and Entertainment

Pillows or personal comfort items - the hospital will cover your basic needs, but if you have a pillow, blanket or other personal item that brings you additional comfort, there’s no harm in tugging it along. You could also bring a scented eye pillow to help you relax.

Books & Entertainment - each pregnancy is different and you never know how much downtime you may end up having. Bring some books or a tablet with your favorite shows or movies ready to go so that you have distractions to keep you sane and entertained.

Snacks and drinks - in the event that you need some extra food to tide you over, it’s good to have some of your favorites handy. Be sure to check with the hospital to see if outside food is allowed and check with your doctor to make sure it’s okay for you to eat during labor.

Personal grooming

Toiletries - lip balm, lotion, shower products, deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste are all a must! Don’t forget your makeup and regular hair care products if they’re a part of your normal routine. You will surely want a chance to clean up before you step back into the world with a small human in tow.

Eyeglass and contacts - sometimes it’s easy to forget items that you use all the time. If glasses or contacts are part of your daily existence, you’re going to want to have them with you during your stay. No one wants to walk into the wrong hospital room!

Clothes to Pack

Bathrobe - a cozy bathrobe is perfect if you walk around your room or the hospital a bit or just want to feel more comfortable while playing the waiting game. You can also use it for your shower commute.

Sleepwear - it’s a good idea to bring your own pajamas to sleep in if you’re in the hospital overnight. Be sure to pack something easy to get on and off, such as a simple nightgown.

Going home outfit - after hospital gowns and nursing bras, putting on a real outfit will make you feel like a new woman. Pack something that will make you feel cute, confident and calm after the milestone moment you’ve just had.

Extra Set of Comfy Clothes - you may want to bring some sweats and a top just in case you end up staying longer than you expected. Paper gowns and bathrobes can only be comfy for so long.

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Under Garments

Nursing bras - Bringing a nursing bra or tank will help ease the feeding process when your angel arrives.

Underwear - you’ll be wearing maternity pads after birth so you’ll need some full coverage underwear that’s no fuss. Pack a few pairs just in case.

Foot wear

Slippers and socks - you’ll want to keep your feet warm and toasty while you’re waiting around. It can get chilly in the hospital rooms.

Flip flops - hospitals are clean and all, but you just may want some flip flops to wear in the shower, or slip into at a moments’ notice.

Hospital most haves

For Your Baby:

Going home outfit - you’ll need a sweet little outfit to take your new baby home with you in. Our super soft selection for babies and newborns will keep your little one nice and snuggly during the transition from the hospital to the real world.

Socks & booties - make sure their hands and feet don’t get cold if you’re in a chilly climate. Bringing along some extra little socks or booties is always a good idea.

Swaddling blankets - hospitals cover the basics, but you may want your own blankies for swaddling just in case. It can never hurt to have extras.

We hope this packing guide helps you prepare for the big moment and put your mind at ease in the meantime. Don’t fret, future mamas! You can handle this.

Hospital bag

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